Gerhard W.Volz

gerhard W Volz

Location: Madrid
Place of birth: Stuttgart (Germany), 1952
Languages: German, Spanish, English

Banking apprenticeship (Banklehre) at the Dresdner Bank, Stuttgart
Studies at the Universities of Freiburg and Strasburg (First State Examination)
Referendariat (Legal Traineeship) at the Court of Second Instance of Freiburg (Second State Examination)

Bar Councils
Frankfurt am Main/Germany, from 1982 until 2018.
Madrid since 1992, number 47,999. Balearic Islands.

Other activities
Lecturer for the Master of International Law Program at Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles (Institute of Financial Market Studies) (Madrid).
Speaker at different meetings of the Baden-Badener Unternehmergespräche.

Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA)
Member of the Spanish Court of Arbitration
UAE (Organization of European Lawyers)
IBA (International Bar Association)
Marketing Managers Club of Madrid
German Managers Council (KdF)
Patronage of the GOETHE Spanish-German Economy Foundation (Honorary member)

Recent Publications
Notes on the PAOS Code/SPAIN
Published regularly in the EuZW (European journal for Business Law)
Coauthor: Internationales Insolvenzrecht, Spanien (Commentary on Insolvency Law, C.H. Beck Verlag)
Author: Markenrecht Spanien “Die Farbkombination Grün- Creme für Arzneimittelkapseln ist mangels Unterscheidungskraft nicht als Marke eintragbar” (GRUR Int)

Areas of practice
Business Law
Corporate Law
Unfair Competition
Advertising and Marketing
Real Estate Law
International Succession Law
Banking Law
Insurance Law
Financial Law
International Arbitration and Litigation